Sunday 24 March 2013

Making Clue based Predictions

Based on the picture clues provided in the cover of the book, where do you think the story is set? What do you the story is about? Write down any thoughts you may have?


  1. By looking at the cover, it clearly states that this story is situated somewhere in a snowy place. i think this story is about a dog, who is a leader of a pack. On an expedition with his master in the wild, while searching for gold. The master gets lost/hurt/missing, and this dog is the one who pushes his way through the heavy snow and the vigorous brumal mountains to help/ find his master. I think that this dog is very determined and very royal to his master.

    1. By looking at the cover, it clearly states that this story is situated somewhere in a snowy place. i think this story is about a dog, who is a leader of a pack. The master is with his pack of dogs, who are searching for something in the mountains. The master gets lost/hurt/missing, and this dog is the one who pushes his way through the heavy snow and the vigorous brumal mountains to help/ find his master. I think that this dog is very determined and very royal to his master

    2. What clues emerge Arjun, that allows you to predict that the dog in the cover is probably the leader of the pack? How do you tell that the master and the dog are searching for something in the mountains? Be specific in your observations.

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  3. Based on the cover what I under stand that there is one main character the dog since his picture is the biggest. It is set in a snowy place I can tell that from the back round. Theres more than one dog in the cover so it must be a pack of dogs. Their is a sled full of supplies so they must be looking for something.Their is a shady man looking figure so he is probably commanding them.

    1. (edited version)
      Based on the cover what I understand there is one main character the dog because his picture is the biggest.It is set in a snowy place I can tell that from the back round. There is more than one dog in the cover so it must be a pack of dogs. Their is a shady man looking figure so he is probably commanding them. Their is a sled full of supplies so they must be looking for something.

    2. "Looking for something" does that sled full of supplies imply that in any way? Any specific clue to lead you to that observations?

  4. The cover tells that the setting is in a snowy place were a sled dog is needed to carry foods/equipments/clothes/e.t.c. The story may be about 2 sled dogs and their master searching for gold spending a real hard life. One sled dog get injured and now it is hard for the one sled dog to pull the sled by himself and his master, and now the hard time with his master is going to start!

    1. What leads you to believe that they could be in search of gold? Any specific clues that point in that direction?

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. As I look at the cover, I see a dog or a wolf, a person and a cold, snowy background. I assume judging from the background that it takes place in Alaska or the Arctic regions. Because you were talking about the Alaskan Gold Rush in class, I believe that it takes place in that duration of time. I think the story is about the dog or a wolf, that is parted from its owner and needs to adjust to wildlife itself. I say this because the story is called "Call of the Wild", so I'm just connecting it with the fact that maybe the wild is 'calling' the wolf or dog.

    1. Meaningfully prior knowledge.

  7. Based on the cover of the book, I was able to tell that it shows that the story is set in a place where there's lot of snow, which means it's an extremely cold place (Alaska). I think this story is about a dog who leads the pack of an Alaskan sled dog. By studying the cover, it showed me that this dog and his master are discovering something or searching for something. But as it’s set in a cold place, It gave me an idea that they are searching for gold. I think their teamwork will make them a risk-taker, and hard worker to search for the gold.

  8. Based on the cover of the book, I think that the story is set in Alaska, as most sled-dogs are found pulling sleds there. The story is probably about the gold rush era, where men traveled with their sled-dogs to search for gold in the mountains. The title of the book proves that the story is about a wolf or sled-dog, which relates to my idea of the story being about the gold rush era.

    1. What clues in the cover provide the 'searching for gold' prediction? Am curious to know.

  9. The story is probably set in a very cold place, because on the cover there is snow and the people in the background are wearing warm jackets. The picture in the front tells that the the story is most likely about a sled dog. Because in the background you can see a dog pulling a huge sled up a mountain.

    1. Any other observations apart from the obvious ones, that you can think deeper and predict, Kim?

  10. Based on the picture of the cover, I am able to guess that the story is set on cold and snowy place like Alaska and that those sled dogs and their owners are looking for gold rush as they usually do in Alaska. I think something will happen to the wolf because he is the main character in the cover.

    1. Where is the evidence on the cover that the men and dogs are looking for gold? Am not sure how you can predict this. Please look closely.

  11. Looking on the cover of the book, I can see that the dog is probably the main character as he is the biggest in the picture. As there is more than the main dog so obviously there is a pack. It is set in a very snowy place from the back. Also there is a sled and a lot of supplies inside of it along with a man. The man is probably the owner of the dogs.

    1. Happy that you are now 'on board' and blogging, Zak.

      Keep blogging your thoughts away!

  12. Looking on the cover of the book, I can see that the dog is probably the main character as he is the biggest in the picture. As there is more than the main dog so obviously there is a pack. It is set in a very snowy place from the back. Also there is a sled and a lot of supplies inside of it along with a man. The man is probably the owner of the dogs. I think the story is set in a very cold place that gets blizzards and snowstorms.

  13. while i look at the cover, i see that a dog is the main character, the setting is in a cold place u can see the snow and when u see the man pulling the sled you can predict that that dog will be pullign sleds in a very cold weather

    1. Please use complete words as you write formal language. Please do not use words like u. This is SMS and texting language. Also, edit your work for spelling errors.

      Good you are now on board and responding to questions.

  14. The title shows me that the setting will take place in the mountains or in Antarctic or Arctic regions. The cover shows a sled which implies that the main character will have something to do with a sled. There is a dog taking up most of the picture, this shows that the main character is a dog. there is also another dog on the cover, this implies that there may be a connection between the two dogs that will affect the storyline.
